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Easily lock emojis to certain roles using EmojiRole!

EmojiRole allows you to restrict emojis to certain roles. This can be useful for booster perks, staff-only emotes, and more!

All Commands

Command NameCommand Description
/helpGet a list of all commands
/inviteInvite the bot to your server
/supportGet support for the bot
/list (emoji)List all the roles for an emoji
/lockemoji (emoji) (roles)Add a role to an emoji
/unlockemoji (emoji) (roles)Remove a role from an emoji
/unlockallRemove all emojis from all roles


Before asking for help in our support server, try the following:

  • Try kicking the bot and re-inviting it
  • Make sure it has the following permissions:
    • image.png

If the bot is offline, join the support server and look at the #status channel to check if the bot is down for everyone.